Usable floor area: | 120,55 m² |
NET area: | 157,45 m² |
Footprint area: | 194,74 m² |
The minimum dimensions of the plot: | 28,50 • 20,60 m |
Volume: | 831,04 m³ |
Ridge height: | 5,34 m |
The angle of the roof: | 20,00 ° |
Energy consumption: | EUco = 47,97 kWh/(m²year) EP = 90,96 kWh/(m²year) |
1.1 | Vestibule | 4,76 m² | |
1.2 | Kitchen | 10,80 m² | |
1.3 | Living room | 32,77 m² | |
1.4 | Room | 9,57 m² | |
1.5 | Room | 10,08 m² | |
1.6 | Room | 12,75 m² | |
1.7 | Room | 15,19 m² | |
1.8 | Bathroom | 8,03 m² | |
1.9 | Wc | 2,04 m² | |
1.10 | Communication | 9,82 m² | |
1.11 | Laundry room | 4,74 m² | |
1.12 | Boiler room | 10,00 m² | |
1.13 | Garages | 26,90 m² | |
1.14 | Platform | 6,54 m² | |
1.15 | Terrace | 22,02 m² | |
1.16 | Platform | 6,96 m² |
Investment cost data* | |
Raw closed state | 204 700 PLN |
Finished state | 362 200 PLN |
* Approximate pricing (net) . The Design Office provides projects only, and does not deal with the implementation of the investment. Detailed calculations should be provided by the contractor. We encourage you to familiarize yourself offers in this section Ready Houses |
Investment cost data these are the estimated costs of development standard house.
They are the result of multiplying unit price indicators (€/m ²) by the surface of the house. The area of the house includes the garage and attic.
The raw closed state covers the following scope of work:
To the state of the development are added:
All prices are NET (excluding VAT) i zostały wyliczone przy założeniu realizacji budowy przez wynajęte firmy specjalistyczne. Jest to system tańszy niż zatrudnienie generalnego wykonawcy, ale wymaga poświęcenia czasu i uwagi inwestora na zintegrowanie poszczególnych prac. Koszty realizacji można dodatkowo obniżać budując dom systemem gospodarczym. Dane szacunkowe mogą różnic się od wartości wynikającej z kosztorysu gdyż nie uwzględniają szczególnych cech budynku, takich jak poziom jego skomplikowania. Do wyliczenia wskaźników przyjęto średnią stawkę robocizny oraz minimalne ceny materiałów wg wydawnictwa Sekocenbud.
A cost table is included with the project design.
Cost table It also contains an indicative value of the costs of individual works (earthworks, foundations, etc.), it is used to estimate the cost of the investment. It is appended to each project. This is a table containing indicators for unit prices for individual items. The unit in this case is 1 m ² the surface is calculated for room height above 190 cm.
This type of table is often required by banks when applying for a loan.
You can request a detailed cost estimate of the selected project.
Cost estimate jest szczegółowym wyliczeniem kosztów dla danego budynku. W oparciu o dane z projektu technicznego podaje zakres poszczególnych robót np. powierzchnie ścianek działowych, stropów, tynków; ilość betonu na fundamenty, stropy. Do kosztorysu jest dołączone szczegółowe zestawienie materiałów oraz tabela elementów scalonych. Do kosztorysu inwestorskiego przyjmowane są ceny materiałów oraz stawki robocizny wg wydawnictwa Sekocenbud. Kosztorys pozwala inwestorowi kontrolować koszty na każdym etapie robót pokazując ich zakres: nakłady na robociznę oraz ilości poszczególnych materiałów.
The cost estimate is included in the price 492,00 PLN gross, you can purchase it together with the project (for example, by selecting the appropriate option in the the order form) or independent - for this purpose contact us.
This offer applies only to ready projects.
See a sample cost estimate.
You can request a blind cost estimate of the selected project.
Blind cost estimate as an estimate of the investment is done for a specific project and contains a scope (consultation) of the work, together with a detailed bill of the materials, and does not contain rates. A cost estimate may be presented to business partners on the basis of preparing an offer.
Price 123,00 PLN gross. You can purchase it together with the project (for example, by selecting the appropriate option in the the order form) or independent - for this purpose contact us.
This offer applies only to ready projects.
See a sample blind cost estimate.
Are you interested and want to find out more about a project?
Feel free to contact us! Phone: +48 71 354 59 49, mobile: +48 883 909 409, e-mail
We speak English, German, Russian, Polish.